Costarmoricaine 2023: Chevrier/Cosse win at St Quay
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11/08/2023 17:44:22

Départ de l'étape Erquy-Erquy de la Costarmoricaine 2003

Yesterday, Thursday August 10th, the second leg of the &quote;La Costarmoricaine&quote; raid, World Raid Championship in Formula 18 catamarans, have been sailed between Bréhat island and Perros-Guirec. Like the previous day the win was too calm to launch the race in the morning. Two winds, one from the West and one from the East were opposing at Bréhat level, resulting in a nearly null wind from South. It was so decided to tow the catamarans through the Kerpon channel inside the multiple islands of Bréhat. Then the West wind zone have been reached, allowing to launch the race at &quote;La Jument des Héaux&quote; on North end of the race area, at 2pm. From there, the fleet advanced towards Perros-Guirrec and it was possible to circumnavigate Tomé Island as planned, but the wind did not hold out long enough to rise to the Seven Islands as planned.

Before the jury, the arrival order are Emeric Dary and David Fenouillère; Victorien Erussard and Frédéric Moreau and Australians Brett Burvill and Max Puttman. So the same teams as the previous day but in a different order. On the evening, a jury decision cost FRA7, 10 minutes of penalty, downgrading them to the third place.

Today, Friday 11th, the third leg is the longest of the event, from Perros-Guirec to Saint-Quay-Portrieux. It started under drizzle but the wind was there, coming from the South. So the fleet can sail downward to the East, with the tide current in the right direction. At Vielle de Loguivy, back at the Bréhat island, the first part of the fleet was still grouped and only a few ones not far behind. So it have been decided not to have an intermediate finish at Loguivy, as we used to do the previous years (allowing to regroup everyone). For the second part of the race, the weather changed to occasional short rains but with very changing wind under. For times the wind was blowing much warmer, but in the opposite way! A condition we don't see much often at that place. Different options, following the wind, or being closer to the coast, allowed some of the teams to gain some place. A few minutes later, at the finish line, all the teams (except a few ones behind) arrived in almost 10 minutes. Again, something very rarely seen on this event after 5 hours of race. That is the young team of Matteo Chevrier and Gaspard Cosse that win the race with significant distance on the second, offering them the third place at the overall score board.

Club de Voile de la Baie d'Erquy - Maison de la Mer - 22430 Erquy - France - Reproduction interdite - A Propos